With UNLV med school as model, a call for nimbler process for public construction — The Nevada Independent

The corporation behind the construction of the UNLV medical education building has big plans for expansion — and is now pinning its hopes on new legislation that would circumvent the state’s drawn-out process for getting government building projects off the ground.
The Nevada Health and Bioscience Corporation (NHBC) was the corporate vehicle that finally completed the UNLV medical education building after years of starts and stops. At the time, the group touted the completion as a major coup, coming in under budget and ahead of expected deadlines in late 2022.
Now, Maureen Schafer, the company’s CEO, told The Nevada Independent that her company is eyeing two new projects: a mental health facility and a new pathology laboratory. But, she argued, state law may need to change in order to expedite the process by allowing NHBC to retain its own “team.”
See full story at Nevada Independent.
Photo credit: Daniel Clark/The Nevada Independent